The life and laughs of Ella

Friday, December 24, 2010

LA Zoo

Today we go home, but on the way we stopped at the zoo.
Many animals live here, including strange ones like those meerkats.
I liked the flamingoes, and the monkeys.

But best of all, I like to win races, like this race with Dad behind me.
After the zoo, we started on the long drive home (well, we did stop for dinner in an Israeli restaurant first). The drive was very long, but it was hard for me to fall asleep.
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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Today we went to LegoLand, and they do make everything out of legos. Check out this tree for example...

Or the guard we caught napping.

Even the animals in the zoo are made of legos.
And of course all the cities. Any other place where you can walk from the empire state building to the golden gate bridge in one afternoon?
Unlike in DisneyLand, the weather was perfect, and the lines accordingly long. I only went on 3 rides the whole day, but I still had a lot of fun...
Here is a picture I took, with Washington in the background.
Here you can see me climbing the pole while Mommy is waiting in line for the ride. The line was more then an hour long... At least there were other interesting things to do (slides and climbs for example).

Almost time to go home, just one more lego ride...
Oh, and I got a nice lego set at the gift shop that I got to choose myself!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Science museum

Today we went to see a science museum.
Among the other attractions you can see the tornado (if you touch it it goes away, and they also had a water vortex, but you could not touch that one).

Some snow inside.

A light harp - I made pretty music with this one.

And the special for christmass - cookie decorating!
Check out my decorated cookie. Doesn't it look yummy?
There was actually a line to decorate the cookies, but it wasn't that long... Maybe 10 minutes.
And last, we went outside hunting for dinosaurs with a magic wand. We found them too!
Some of them were a bit scary, but it was still a lot of fun.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


After a long drive, we came to our hotel, and guess what - I had a bunk bed!
Of course I could not sleep upstairs, but I did get to play, read and even drink my milk there.
And so we went to DisneyLand.
In one day!

There was a bit of rain, but we had big umberllas so it did not matter. Perhaps it was even better that way since the lines were short.

A flying elephant, need I say more?
For lunch we went back to the hotel (nice to be near the park) and also got a little rest. Then we went back...

Oh, and I got to visit Mickey!
I think the best ride was the ride where we got to fly with peter-pan, and the ride where we got to shoot the aliens. We did that one maybe 5 times, until we got to rank 5 (did I mention that the rain really helped with the lines?)
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Friday, December 10, 2010


Today is our show.
In the evening all of the school gathered, and every class had a show.
Our show was a song (you can check it out at
We started with a potluck dinner, and here you can see me after the dinner waiting for my turn with my teacher Ms. Devon.

A little bit more waiting with Reily.

And after the show I used the background for a photo-op.
Also, daddy decided to walk home instead of ride in the car with us, so we were not in a hurry...
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Sunday, December 05, 2010


This week it is Hanuka, and every day we light candles.
Today we got breakfast in bed. Yay!

Every night someone else joins us to light the candles. Tonight JP, Mary-Ann, Sophie and Estelle joined us.
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