The life and laughs of Ella

Friday, October 29, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Here is the ghost costume Mother made for me.
What do you think?
Today we had a special event at school for haloween - Trunk or treat. Instead of going door to door, people decorated their trunks, and we went trunk to trunk and got treats.
Here are a couple of examples...

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Saturday, October 16, 2010


It is pumpkin season, and while we have a pumpkin patch near home, today I went with many kids from my class to a new pumpkin patch. Along with the traditional jumpers and hay maze, we had a hay ride, and got fresh corn. The corn had caterpillars in it, which I collected from everyone.

I also got to ride a horse.
And here is the pumpkin I picked.
Daddy will help me carve it so we can put a candle inside.
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Saturday, October 09, 2010

The blue angels

Today we went to San Francisco to see the blue angels.
Yankin and Dalya came with us.
We took the train, since the city was supposed to be pretty filled with traffic. We also took a taxi part of the way since the train station is not very close to the docks, which is the best place to see the show from. We still had quite a lot to walk, since it was faster to talk once we got to the waterfront on account of traffic.

We did get to see the angels though, and while they are impressive, it was boring for me after a while.
Daddy seemed to find it enchanting.

Afterwards we went for ice cream, checked the navy birds, and started on the long way back to the train.
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Friday, October 08, 2010


Today was a very special day.
After school we had a walkathon!
I got a special shirt and a card, and we all walked. And every time we finished a lap around the field, we got the card punched.
I started out walking with Reily, but walked alone or with Mom or other friends as well.
Later in the afternoon even Daddy joined.

Here you can see me walking with Alison, who is another very good friend of mine from class.

At one side of the field there was an obstacle course, and I made it through every time!
The walkathon was very long, and during the afternoon it sometimes became a run-athon or a skip-athon or even a dance-athon.
But I finished 22 laps!
That is a very long hike, but I am sure I could have walked at least that much more if they only kept the walkathon going another couple of days :)
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