The life and laughs of Ella

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Seraphina came home with me, every child gets her for only one day. Yesterday was mine.
In case you didn't know, Seraphina is the puppy sitting next to me.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey, I'm making breakfast

Until now I could only make cereal or cheese sticks for breakfast.
Now I am learning how to make the oatmeal...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hidden Villa

Breakfast at Esther and then I had a play date with Dalya. We took her to hidden villa.

Here is some of what we discussed on the way... (it may take a couple of seconds before you hear anything, and make sure your volume is set high)

(Click here to listen.)

When we got to Hidden Villa we had a surprise - it was sheep shearing day!
Actually they almost didn't let us in, but we asked nicely so they let us park with the volunteers near the horses.
Then we played in the garden for a while. Found some chickens, and pretended to be chickens in a coop ourselves.

Also had a pretend snack.

And we learned a lot about plants.
Then I played Frisbee and soccer with Dad, while Dalya made a pouch straight from the wool. She got to card the wool and make cloth out of it, but the smell of the sheep was too much for me. I decided I'd rather play ball.

Then we went on a hike.
On the way we found a little stream where we could fish and throw stones.
And some more flowers. Wild ones this time. Can you see the bluebells?

More water to play with next to small bridges, and we had a small snack (various nuts) on the way back.
Last but not least, I got to play with a spinning wheel, and Dalya got to dye her pouch.
What a wonderful day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today we are taking advantage of the spring and hiking in pinnacles national monument.
It is a long climb to the caves, but I am hiking on my own.
We are hiking with the Zohar family, and everyone is hiking together.
Before we started the hike, we saw a condor - turns out this is one of the only places in the world you can see condors. Mom even got interviewed for the radio about it.

Here we are above the caves.
Fishing the lake with daddy...
Looking at the strange flowers, and more...

Last but not least, I completed enough pages in the workbook and got sworn in as a junior ranger! To tell the truth I was a bit disappointed, since I was expecting something tasty as a reward, and instead I got a badge and a patch. But I got ice cream later, so all`s well that ends well.
We stopped for dinner on the way home, and I got to watch some dvd on the way as well (the way was long enough for me to see the whole dvd...)
Next weekend maybe we can hike again?

Saturday, March 06, 2010


I like projects. Here is a sample in lego, and I also like to draw.
At the childrens house I also make books (with the help of the teachers).
We are going to make a project corner in my new room. I cannot wait...

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