The life and laughs of Ella

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nighttime trick or treat

I went with Dalya (Ayla and other kids too) and we went when it was getting darker.

Funny ghosts around.
And other denizens of the night welcomed us as well...
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Friday, October 30, 2009

Haloween and visitors

Time to dress up an I am?
You guessed right, a butterfly.
I love butterflies in case you forgot.
Here we went trick or treating, and Grandma Nomi and Grandpa Arieh joined us!
They came to visit us exactly when we came back from Costa Rica, what a great sense of timing they have :)
No - treats are better :)

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Back home

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good bye costa rica

Time to go home.
We had a lot of fun, and hopefully we can come back again soon...
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Friday, October 23, 2009

Another day at the beach

Today we decided to take the camera along.

Surfing is fun, and I can help the waves along!

Also found a cute butterfly. It came to visit us after I went snorkeling.
It tried to eat some salt from my snorkel - I tried the salty water myself, and they actually tasted quite good. Think I can catch the butterfly?

Almost got it, but not quite.

Enough with snorkeling, now I just want to see the fish that are close to the beach.

Goggles are enough for that.

Here you can see Pa helping me go back to shore. This is a neat trick. If I am snorkeling and feel too tired, or water goes into my mouth piece, I can jump on his back, and he will bring me back to shore.

I really had a lot of fun today.

Can you tell?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beach day

Many things you can do on the beach (asides from the obvious).
For example climb trees.

Weight lifting.
And of course swimming, but our camera is not waterproof so not too many pictures of that.

Later in the evening I found some new friends to play with.
They live up the hill, in the middle of the jungle, and it was a bit scary getting the car up the road.

Dinner we ate at the local french restaurant, and found some interesting bugs to play with.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Last today but not least, we went on a botanic tour in a cocoa farm.
Here you can see me holding vanilla bean in one hand, and a bug in the other.

Here we are picking a cocoa bean from the tree to make chocolate.
Pa really liked the chocolate...
After the tour we were hot, and they had a pool. Naturally we ended in the pool and played there for an hour or so.

Also, at the entrance to the farm they had an old train engine.
I really liked this place.
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Here is a sloth crossing the road.
They do move slow...

And here is one at the refuge. This is one of the attractions we went to see.

After seeing sloths, we got on a boat ride. It was nice, but a bit boring for me, so we cut it short.
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Breakfast out

A nice breakfast in a hotel on the way to some attractions.

The hotel in itself is almost like a zoo.
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Saturday, October 17, 2009


We have a nice beach, and papa is going to teach me to surf (also to snorkel so I can see the fish).

There is also a nice place to put the hammocks with view of the ocean. Perfect place to relax (if someone is in the mood for relaxation...)

Here is a glance at our beach. I got to Snorkel today. My first time in the ocean, and it was wonderful. I love seeing all the fish, and when I get tired I can go on Daddy's back and he helps me get back to shore. There are nice reefs pretty close to the beach, so I do not need to swim too far out - perhaps 1/2 a mile.
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Friday, October 16, 2009

Dinner and dancing

We stayed for dinner (at a crepaerie) and finished with some dancing at the local community center.
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The port city

We drove to the city for lunch.
Or at least it is supposed to be a city.
The picture above shows the port. All of the city can probably fit into one city block back home in California.
But I found new friends, and got a nice bracelet.

Also went walking on the beach.
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We arrive

After a long drive, we arrived last night to our home away from home.
This morning we woke up and check out the view from the door...

And some local wildlife in the garden. I love chasing them, They walk funny.
Breakfast today is some fruit we got on the way, in the balcony outside the house.

Oh, and there are also strange bugs to play with all around (and monkeys and chickens and birds and butterflies and and and...)
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