The life and laughs of Ella

Monday, March 30, 2009

Discovering trikes again

Now that the weather is nice, I can drive my trike in the afternoons.
Mom took me out all the way to the playground.

Here you can see I discovered that Dad finished working and came to find us.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009


This time Ayla and Dalya (and Ulii, Yankin and Nuran) as well as Omer came with us.
Remember last year I went with Omer all the way to the falls?
This year we are doing a small picnic and a small hike instead.
Here you can see me playing frisbee.
We also played near the water and with balls and found dogs to pet.

Afterwards we went on a little hike.
Found a nice meadow.
Found a quiet place where I can test the interaction between sticks and stones and rivers...

And just before going home, a whole lot of locks for me to play with.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Open Studio

Today is open studio day, and I get to go to see all the pictures Mommy painted since last time.

Oh, and Omer also came to visit, so I have someone else to play with...
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend friends

Today Leilani came to visit me.
We mostly played just around. Some running around...
Nature discovery - which plants are safe to eat. These ones are sour just like lemons.
In the playground we went up and down slides, chased squirrels.

And doesn't the sand look just like an ocean?
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Purim in shool

There is that song about Purim (מסכות, רעשנים, שירים וריקודים) so we started with making masks...
(Actually Mom and Dad cut the outlines at home, and Mom brought a mask for everyone, then we decorated it and put it on a holder stick)

Then the noise makers...
These we made ourselves from toilet rolls and paper, then filled them with mung beans and decorated with stickers and felt shapes.

And last we got to dance to Purim Music.

Well, not really last. Afterwards we went outside and played int he yard.
Here you can see me playing with my friends Ethan and Ella (the other one).
Ethan seems to be enjoying himself with Ella on the left and Ella on the right.
Though I must admit that the cat with the hat holding thomas on one hand and the enchanted princess on the other is somewhat anachronistic.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Purim show

Today Mom took me to see and hear the Purim Story.
While that was fun (As was dressing up like Thomas), outside they had this wonderful tower, and when Dad showed up (he came later on account of work) I got to climb all the way to the top (Dad had to help me on the last little bit).

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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Weekend again

Today we went to see Thomas live on stage!
I was really excited and enjoyed myself. Came dressed as Thomas, and all the kids were curious if I was part of the show.
The show ended with a bang - a real one, with confetti cannons!
Then we went to the park. The ducks in the pond were too tired to play, so we went climbing.

The previous shot shows the ladder from which I can jump onto this sky bridge.
Another new skill I am now mastering is rolling down the grassy slopes.

And finally it is time to go get some dinner - we are going to meet with Ayla and Dalya in the Afghani restaurant.
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