Friday, March 13, 2009

Purim in shool

There is that song about Purim (מסכות, רעשנים, שירים וריקודים) so we started with making masks...
(Actually Mom and Dad cut the outlines at home, and Mom brought a mask for everyone, then we decorated it and put it on a holder stick)

Then the noise makers...
These we made ourselves from toilet rolls and paper, then filled them with mung beans and decorated with stickers and felt shapes.

And last we got to dance to Purim Music.

Well, not really last. Afterwards we went outside and played int he yard.
Here you can see me playing with my friends Ethan and Ella (the other one).
Ethan seems to be enjoying himself with Ella on the left and Ella on the right.
Though I must admit that the cat with the hat holding thomas on one hand and the enchanted princess on the other is somewhat anachronistic.
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