The life and laughs of Ella

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another new year?

Seems like today I get to stay up late :)
We are still playing games well past my bed time...

And for dinner, the best thing on the manu is crabs!
Well, actually, the best thing is olives, served by a crab claw. Hard to beat that ain't it?
We also got to drink in fancy glasses and watch a ball fall on TV. Not sure I get what the excitment was about, I drop in many colors balls every day...
Anyways, have a happy new 2009 everyone!

Monday, December 29, 2008


Hard boiled eggs - easy to make, I just need to put them in water, and fun to take apart.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last day of Hanuka

First we make Sufganiot.
I helped make the dough, and now it is time to cut out the sufganiot themselves.
I have my very own cutter.

Once we cut out all the Sufganiot, we can roll the dough again to make even more!
What a wonderful invention...
Then we can fill them with Jam.
Of course, we need to leave a few empty ones for me to eat.
I do not particularly like to mix any sort of sauce with any carbohydrates.
I like my pasta plain, as well as my bread (though I am ok with dipping it in Tahini if Pa makes some).
Latkes and sufganiot I can dip in a little bit of apple sauce, but I am not at all sure about this Jam.

And in the evening we light the candles.
Tonight the house is really lit up, and we have so many guests!
4 Families came to join us, and Dave even brought some dough he made, and we are helping him make croissants.
They taste very good when they come out of the oven, but not as good as the chocolate coins we get for Hanuka :)

This was a busy week, with celebrations every day. Very much fun, but I am looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Another Hanuka Day

For breakfast I am making french toast, and daddy is helping me out.

Then Mom took me to the museum. This horse is made out of bronze, quite entrancing.
I really like the museum store, where they have lots of toys.

I also like to play with the Rodin statues outside.
And did you notice my Thomas sunglasses? It is such a nice day out here, but sunglasses really help with the sun.

And to finish off the day, Brevin came to celebrate Hanuka ith us!
He also likes trains, and so does this brother.
And everyone likes my fish.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Celebrating out again

Only a Hanuka celebration today, but we have live music!
And we brought over some rice to share that I really really liked.
I also had fun playing with trains and with the puppy - they have a real puppy, and she is named purple.
She can be a bit over enthusiastic which can be a bit scary, but she is very funny.
Ira and Guy made a wonderful dinner and we had lots of fun, and after dinner they even turned out the train set for me to play with (and purple also joined in).

Another thing I like to do this time of year is to drive around and look at all the lights on everywhere.

Or even just walk on our street - this year our neighbours put a small train on. How did they know?
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Today we celebrate with the Tanurhans at their place.
And I got a special cup for my apple juice, and we start with cookies.
I like these cookies, in fact I remember helping make them a couple of weeks ago...

Then it is time to light the candles. Mommy is helping me light them tonight.
Check out the background.

If you could not figure out the background, here it is from the other side.
A real Christmuka!
And then for the meal.
I like pasta!
Thanks everyone for the gifts...
And I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Candles and friends

I am really learning the Hanuka songs, and I can sing "sevivon sov sov sov" all on my own.
But it is really fun that every night we have guests over to help us sing.

Here you can see Clifford helping out with our games.

And here we are forming a train on the way to eat some Sufganiot daddy made.
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Playdate and a new attraction

Today I have a friend from my school over for a play date.
Here you can see us playing together on my new synthesizer. Can you make a train on a synthesizer? If not, I can show you how...
Tonight we will go light candles with my friend Amit. He also likes trains, all kinds of trains. I am more of a Thomas person myself.
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hanuka is coming

Time to make a Hanukia.
No school today, so we have time.
Papa got us all the ingredients.
Mommy is showing me how...
First color the base - since blue is my favorite color, I make certain that everything is covered in blue.

A hanukia also needs a place to put the candles.
A little glue helps here.

Here you can see the Hanukia almost finished.
We will let it dry, and tomorrow we can light candles!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow is here!

Today after school we drove up the mountain a bit, and found snow!
And what's more, we found a snowman!!!

And check out my new boots, now I can skip in any puddles I like. Finally...
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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Santa Cruz

Not exactly a playdate, but I am having some fun with Dalya to round off the day.
Here you can see us looking at the Monarch butterflies which are hanging on the trees around us.

And here we are playing at being trains (or at least I am, Dalya likes princesses more...).

On the way back up the mountain (well the hill then) I need to stop for a little rest.

And then we go to watch the sunset from the beach, and I get to play tag with the waves!
Can a day be more perfect?
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With Melody in Shoup Park.

Trying to swing on my own...

And when that fails, Papa an help :)
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