The life and laughs of Ella

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rosh Hashana in the Gan

Today all the kids learned about Rosh Hashana.
Mommy brought a book which teacher Katie read to us.

Then we made cards for the new year, with lots of sprkly stuff.

And of course, lots of apples with honey, so we will all have a sweet new year.
I am looking forward to a very sweet year :)

After the festivities, we went back to the normal activities.
Here you can see me playing in the back yard with the cars.
I am driving to get some lemonade at the lemonade stand. Did you know that you can only drive cars on the road one way?
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Monday, September 29, 2008

Rosh Hashana

Evening and it is time to celebrate.
Today Maryn is coming with Kenny and Nicole to join us.
The table is ready, and I can't wait to try the apple with honey.

After we eat a bit, it is time to play.
Some in the garden, where we do tickle me on the hammock.

And some at home where we find places to play, and places to jump.
Daddy even made a jumping square in my room, and we had the jumpolimpics from my bed to the jumping square.

Then it is time for desert. The cackes are nice, but the pomegranate is a game as well as desert.
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting Ready

It is almost Rosh Hashana!
Today we will stay at home.
Play with the duckies, and ...

Make a honey cake!
I like making cakes, but I like eating them even better...
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Monday, September 15, 2008

Last day with the canyon

Today I woke up really early, before the sun came up.
Pa took me around the lodge on a few trails. It was quite cold, so I stayed on his shoulders, and after a while we went inside the main lobby and played with the elevator.
Then Mom woke up and they opened the dining room so we went to breakfast.
This time I had lots of toys and books to occupy me, and of course I chose the fruit loops again for breakfast.

Here you can see me teaching dad about trains and beatles.
How are they connected you ask? I am not sure I undertand, you will have to ask my Da.

So we packed everything back in the car and checked out.
Then we drove to the Kings Canyon. Turns out a 30 minute drive gets us to an impressive canyon with wornderful views.
At the end of the canyon - a river where I can throw stones!
Unfortunately, they do not serve lunch middle of the week, so our lunch is a bit of leftovers and some milk.

But the river is great, and we found a wonderful spot to sit.
A pity we have to get going, it is a long way home yet, and father is driving.
Maybe we can stop at Casa De Fruta along the way back?
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

More big trees

Well, we went to a museaum, and then took another hike.
I think the name of the trail is self explainatory, don't you?

Most exciting for me is not the trees (General Sherman was bigger), but the sticks, acorns, and believe it or not - grasshoppers!
Dad even catches them for me, and then I can pet them before we let them go.

I also wanted to pet the bear, just like the one at breakfast, but Mom said we can't.

Here is a small view of the clearing, I guess it is pretty impressive.
Especially accompanied by stick drumming...
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Visiting Sherman

A few minutes down the road lives general Sherman, so we went to visit him.
Here is a nice spot to rest in the middle of the hike.

And here you can see me trying to imitate Dad and his disappearing thumb act.
I haven't quite figured out how it works, but I will.

And here he is, the general himself. He used to be the largest living thing, but got demoted to just being the largest living tree after a mushroom was found that was bigger (albeit mostly underground). Did you know he grew up from a tiny seed?
A guide showed us seeds and acorns. Pretty amazing to think that in a mere few thousand years a tiny seed can turn into something this big.

To give you a closer shot, here I am trying to see how big one of the smaller trees is...
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Breakfast at Wuksachi Lodge

Can you guess who was waiting for us at breakfast?
He even has a robe. I am helping him read the paper...
For breakfast I get to pick my own corn flakes (actually I picked the multi colored rings).

Then we all got ready to go hiking.
Thomas and Gordon are going with me to keep me company.
I can almost read this book myself...

Oh, and more wildlife even early in the morning. Here you can see me looking for the chipmonks.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kings Canyon

A long drive yesterday evening, which we ended in a hotel room.
Lucky I had some Thomas videos to entertain me on the way.
However, we got to the hotel safely, and I fell asleep before midnight (though barely).
In the morning we went to the pool, and then drove to the park.
Here you can see our first rest stop, which features a hill ready made for combat.

Over here you see me trying to feed a deer next to our cabin.
Pretty amazing how close they are, and I am a bit scared.
But still I like them.

Time for dinner already, and on the way I fell and skinned my knee :(
I even had to get a band aid...
Daddy will have to carry me now.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I got a new cooking vest, and now I can help make the eggs in the morning.
Mom promised that when I am bigger she will let me fry the eggs too!
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Monday, September 08, 2008

Bean train!

There are trains everywhere if you just look hard enough.
Don't think so? Take a look at these beans...
Mom made a train for me, and later we will cook the beans and eat the bean train.

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