The life and laughs of Ella

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Happy birthday to me...
All the kids got Thomas tickets (I got number 3, did I mention it is my favorite number? Did I mention I am 3 years old today?)
All day I am getting presents. From baloons to trains, everyone knows what I want.
Dave even brought dough so we can make pizza!
Well, I actually made a roll, but most of the kids made small pizzas.

Around the back, Mom created an Art studio for us, which turned out to be a big success.
Can you guess which picture is mine?

Ok, time to eat and drink. And everyone has trains on their cups and plates (I get Thomas of course).
I also got a new table for sitting outside, and some of the kids join me on my new table.

And now it is time to light the candles (which was pretty hard with the wind, but Pa managed), and to blow them out (which was not all that easy, but both Mom and Dad helped me out).
Thanks everyone for coming and making this such a great birthday, and of course thanks for the presents.
Oh, did I mention everyone got a cake? They are called cup cakes, and they are just the right size.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blue for Ella!

Today we went to the park.
And lo and behold - there is a train I can ride!

And some cars as well. Well, if not a train, at least I get a blue car.
In fact, I was very lucky since the blue car turned up free just as it was my turn.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New game

I found a new use for the cards today.
Other then sorting them into fish (for me) and other sea life (for anyone playing with me), turns out they are pretty good at filling spaces between fingers and toes.
Oh, and if you look closely in the background, you can see another breakthrough - I managed to thread the red thread through all of the holes...
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cafe Neto

Brunch at Cafe Neto today.
Dalya, Maryn and Ayla all came to play with me.
Later we will go to the market and look for raisins (which tie with pine nuts for my favorite food group).
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Out and about

Weekend and we decided to travel.
We are going with the Tanurhans to the De Young museum in San Fansisco (at least, that is the closest I get to the name).
The museum has a nice show about glass, pretty fascinating stuff.
Before we enter there are rocks to climb.

And father to climb.

Of course, the real fun begins when we go outside :)

Apart from statues, there are trees to climb and giant apples to eat (and climb).

And last but not least, cold vapors are quite fascinating.
Especially when a dog tries to lick them.

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