The life and laughs of Ella

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Caterpillar

I have my caterpillar on my bed now!
Just like in my board-game and book, and my pillow has a butterfly on the other side.
What could be better?
Do you know about my caterpillar game? It is my very first board-game...
There are 4 caterpillars - the red one for me, the blue one for my dolphin, the yellow one for Dad and the green one for Mom. They walk around the board, and eat fruits (mine eats all the strawberries), and other foods, and even a leaf! Then they all turn to butterflies.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Zoo time

Today is a holiday (for me at least), so Mom took me to the zoo.
There is a very complicated map, but I will find my way to the elephant.

Ok, found the elephant!
This is the Oakland zoo in case anyone is wondering. Here the tigers did not run away.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday with friends

Check this out, Ken and Nicole are rebuilding their house, and guess who drives the tractor!
We met Ken to see how the house is coming along, and then went to a cafe downtown.

When we got downtown, I had fun running all over the square, with Dad and Ken and Maryn.

Then we went down the stairs all together!
We had a lot of fun playing catch.
I am getting much better at running.

Perhaps it was all due to the stretching exercises I did in the morning with Mom.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Small hike

Just a nice afternoon,and I am working up an appetite.
A small hike outside with Daddy, and balance drills on the fence.

Oh, and most important of all, I am learning!
Learning how to cross the road (look left, then right, then hold hands and cross the road quickly), how to eat on my own, how to...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today I went to the discovery museum with Mom. They have a dragon there, and when I asked what dragons do, Mom told me that dragons breath fire.
So I went to the dragon and rode it, but it did not breath any fire :(
I told Mom, what is wrong with the dragon, and she did not know... I had to find out for myself why the dragon was broken. Then I told Mommy - the dragon needs new batteries...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I love helping out, and whenever Mom starts sweeping, I run and get my own broom to help.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My bedtime friends

Who is that calling on the phone?
Perhaps someone wants to talk to Snoopy?
I love talking on the phone, whenever Mom or Dad are talking, I also want to listen.
Sometimes I send hugs or kisses to the person on the other side.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

San fransisco

Fan sansisco is a fun city (at least that is what I think the city is called).
Weekend weather is wonderful again, and we went to the big city.
The goal was art festival at the Yerba Buena center, but we started with some modern art.
Of course Clifford is coming everywhere with me (we took 3 Clifford books from the library yesterday, and they are all very entertaining, all the time). Clifford is even telling me stories every night, and he came to visit the discovery museum for a while (though now he went back to Seattle.

After a while, we managed to find the "Bang on a Can" festival.
We also found that they have a small art class (at least that is what it seemed like to me) and I made some prints (of a duck and a fish).

Later we went for lunch and bird chasing!
I just love chasing birds, any birds really, but especially pigeons :)
Haven't caught any, yet...
Lunch #2 at a Vietnamese place, and then we climbed the moving stairs all the way to the top (5 stories), and went all the way down again.

After chasing all those birds, I got hungry, and decided to sit a rest for a bit.
Eat my favorite sandwich (actually, the only sandwich I am willing to eat - almond butter).
A bit more running, climbing trees and smelling the flowers (All in the middle of san fransisco), and I was ready for a break.

We went to hear some more banging on a can, where I danced on two chairs!
I wanted to hear more music and dance some more, but they closed the show down.

Oh well, dinner at the museum of modern art completes the day, and we drove home, tired and satisfied.

Friday, February 08, 2008


I love ducks.
They come in all shapes and colors.
One of my best friends is the white duck you see above, but there are also many other types of duck.
For instance, the hanger is also a duck (can you see the resemblence? The graceful neck that hangs up, the wings that hold the coats...).

Monday, February 04, 2008

Trains and art

After breakfast, the train leaves the station with all of my friends.
Niniu (my dolphin) first, then teddy (from germany), me on my red chair (my favorite chair with a picture of Dora), and last but not least is Snoopy!
Choo... Choo...

Later I get to paint on my new easel! My very own!
I paint the ocean and the whale (with hairs), and of course they are all red.

Last but not least, it is time for dinner and I am helping with the salad.
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