The life and laughs of Ella

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Hanuka

Today is going to be the first time I will light hanuka candles. Yesterday I went to celebrate Christmass with Ulli and Yankin. Multicultural or what?
I am also getting better at standing (with pa helping out of course) and doing the half roll :)
Here you can see me with the bunny I got from Susan, thanks Susan! And I hope you are all having a nice holiday season... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Just thought you'd like to see how I've grown. Here we are playing the game called catch that finger. In fact, this week I am playing catch that ... (whatever I can get my hands on) almost all the time. Have a nice weekend all... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Splashing in the tub

Bath time, and here you can see the new trick I learned - how to splash! I am getting really good at it too :) Posted by Picasa

Rainy weekend

Winter is here and the rain started at night and lasted throughout the day, so no hiking this weekend. Also, pa had a cold but is feeling all better now. I really like standing on my own feet, but not yet quite sure how to get there myself. Still working on how to turn back to my back, although I can do a half turn from my back... Here you see me just after a bath, with my favorite towel. I like this changing table, I can lift my legs high up and look at them. I can even kick the little frog in my university, as I am exercising together with mom...
Grandma Nava, riding around on rough ground in ATV sounds just great. Can't wait to grow up and do it myself :) And for your question, I heard the party was very nice, although they left early to get back to me. They even won a prize (dinner at the Straights Cafe).
So for now, have a nice week everybody... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Laundry is fun

Ah, the end of one week and the beginning of the next.
On friday we went for dinner to Shmuel and Hani, and good fun was had by all. I even met Moise, who is a bit younger then me, and we had a long conversation (I will not share the details with you, but only say that due to the highly classified content, we had to conduct the whole dialogue in code). and parted best of friends.
Yesterday I stayed with Kenny and Nicole for a few hours while Mom and Dad went to the company holiday party. Thanks guys for taking such good care of me!
In the picture you can see me helping with folding the laundry again, one of my favorite tasks... Have a nice week everybody! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hiking to the library

Here I am on the way to the library. We went to get some new CDs for me and a book for father, as well as return some books. It is rather fun to stroll around downtown. We also went to the local coffee shop for a short stop.

Art Education

Yesterday after hiking we went to see some Art. The painting in the background was done by Margaret, who used to be the landlady before I was born. I like art just fine, but I am not sure I liked having all those people around, so later Mom went alone to the Works gallery were her painting was in an auction, while I was home with Dad watching Mork and Mindy... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

First Rainstorm

Today I saw my first rainstorm - from the safety of my bed of course. There was even lightning and thunder. Mommy protected me and father was at work. In other news, I really like the book about the five baloons, and I like mirrors. Ain't I something to look at? Why should you all enjoy and not me?
As Dotal says, everything looks good on me (and thanks uncle, you look pretty good yourself you know?)
Anyways have a nice weekend everyone...

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