The life and laughs of Ella

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

As you probably know by now, every year on my birthday I wakr up to find a baloon and a cake waiting for me.
This year was no exception :)
Can you guess what my favorite cake is?
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Monday, August 23, 2010

First day of school

Today is my first day of school.
I am starting kindergarden at Stevenson PACT.

Daddy came with me to make sure I get to class on time.

Mommy also came :)

And here you can see me sitting in my brand new chair. The desk has a note with my name on it.
I am in room 10, and my teacher is Ms. Devon.
Oh, and Reily is in the same class as I am!
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hiking Rancho with Ethan

Weekend and it is time for a hike.
We went to see the animals in the ranch, with Ethan (Dave and Rebecca joined with Megan as wlel of course).
Check out the improvised airplane we found along the way,

We also decided the day needs a bit of rain, and used leaves to make sure it happened.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Culture day

After all the rides, we decided to get some culture today.
Started with walking around stanford.
Afterwards we spent some time in the museaum.
The paintings are nice, but my favorite part is the gift shop with all the toys.

Oh, and let us not forget a cookie. Just as important as art.

When we were getting ready to go, the wind started, and I could try some fancy dancing moves.
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Thursday, August 05, 2010

Great (in) America

Today Mom took me to Great America.
Plenty of rides here.
I really like rides.
The ice cream selection could be better though.

Clifford is here!

The water slides are also lots of fun.
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Zoo with Mommy

Mom took me to happy hollow today.
Fun rides and some interesting animals.
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Sunday, August 01, 2010

School playdate

As an introduction to school, we got a playdate in the park.
I found a new friend that lives just down the street!
Hope she will be in my class...
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