The life and laughs of Ella

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Today I got to go with Dad to the kite festival in Berkeley.
It is a bit of a drive, but it was worth it.
This was my first time in a kite festival.
In this picture you can see some of the kites at the entrance (a diver, a shark and some fish, an other more conventional ones in the back).

We met up with Ethan, and I got to choose a kite for myself, and even better - fly it!
Ethan also had a kite, but it did not fly so well.

Dad also got a kite, though it was smaller then mine, and we flew our kites together.
After a bit, a girl flew a kite and it got tangled with mine.
Daddy helped untangle them and we flew the kites some more.

Afterwards we went around to see all the strange kites. A lot of sea life, including giant octapi that you can see in the picture above, and also some birds and even a beatiful dragon.
Other highlights were a kapuera exihbition and ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate... What's yours?
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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rancho with Dalya

I like haiking Rancho San Antonio, but it is even better when I get to bring a friend along.

Check out the tree climbing exhibition.

Paratrooper training...

And just a little rest.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010

A day in San Francisco

This weekend is free museum day in San Francisco.
We went with Ethan (and Dave and Rebecca).
First to the park to see a show and dance.

Then the modern art museum where we got to see art and make art.

And crafts.

Afterwards we went to play in the park, swing on the merry-go-around and even went to Zeum.
A very fun day!
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Monday, July 05, 2010

Flying back

The long way back starts on the train.
I am flying with Mom since Dad needs to go give a lecture in a conference.

Goodbye grandma Nava, and see you all next time.
Of course, you are welcome to visit me too!!!
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Saturday, July 03, 2010


Almost time to say goodbye, but first we are going to swim in the Sahne.

Here you can see a group picture.
And here I am checking if Uri likes his ears being eaten.

And here we are packing the rest of our bags and going away...
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Friday, July 02, 2010


Today all the families are meeting together in one place.

We go on a guided tour, and on the way I get to play with uncle Tal again.
The tube in turn serves as a phone, an airplane, and even a caterpillar.

The hike itself is fun, but the guide is talking too much.
Instead of listening so much, I got father to play with me and tell me stories.


At night we celebrated my birthday.

Check out my cake - with the my favorite caterpillar...

Almost time to blow the candles out.

After the cake, we cracked a pineata, and I got lots of presents from all of the family.
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Thursday, July 01, 2010


Later in the day I went to get some photos. The best part - there was an air vent just outside the building.
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Ready, steady, go!
This is a turtle race...
Many other attractions here. Robots among them, but not least.
We met Dafna and Sivan here, and I had fun playing with Dafna.

Here we got to build our own bride and walk across it to.
There is a real plane here, and I got to clim over it and even stand on the wing!

There are many things to play with here. Light and sound, pressure and more.
A very fun day...
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