The life and laughs of Ella

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

caterpillars adding color in Kiryat Haim.

We are staying with Grandma Nava and Grandpa Arik this week.
My caterpillars are checking out every corner of the house.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Up north

Grandma Nava took me to another park.
Rides and games galore. Here we are playing air hokey together.
Grandma plays well, but I won!

Oh, there was actually a zoo here, but I did not like the smell.
In the evening we went to visit uncle Dan.
He knows how to make all sorts of shapes from baloons. I am also learning.
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Heading north

On the way we stopped in Cesaria.
And not just any place, here is where Father and Mother go married!

I decided this is a good excuse for me ot get the camera.

Then we found someone to take a picture of all of us together.

Lunch we ate in Zichron, and we found an ice cream parlor with ice cones seats. I am not sure I want to be in one though, since I don't want anyone to eat me.

Monday, June 21, 2010


We are now in the center of Israel.
Turns out the pigeons made it all the way here.
You think they came in the place from San Francisco like we did?

And check this out, uncle Yonatan lets me sit on the table!
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello uncle Tal

And thank for the book!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chocolate milk

Is best in Israel.
If only my stomach would not get upset when I drink it...
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More fish

Guess who is under the yellow snorkel?

You guessed right.

I am not sure how the water can be sol cold when it is so hot outside.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Southwards to Eilat

We headed south to Eilat. Spent the night with uncle Uri and his family, and now we are looking at fish...
I like snorkeling, though the ocean here is colder then in costa rica.
The hotel we are staying in has a pool with chairs and a restaurant inside the pool!
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Saturday, June 12, 2010


We went to a park, and had lots of fun :)
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Around Gevim

More guests came to see us today.
They took me around, so Mom and Dad could sleep for a bit. I slept quite well tonight, but Mom and Dad didn't.

There are plenty of playgrounds in Gevim. This one has a car I can drive or climb on.

One of the best features of this house is the couch. It has the bestest hiding place, where all the kids can go hide.

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

New places

Grandma took me to see a new place today.
They had some animals which I did not like so well (they smelled), but they also had acitivities.

Running around the millstone is always a favorite.
Taking the train is another fun game.
And then, when it got to hot, just sitting in the shade and drawing is also fun.
Daddy stayed home to work today. Maybe he can join us tomorrow.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Israel here we come

Now that school has ended we can go places.
So we flew to Israel...
Our first stop - Grandpa Arie and Grandma Nomi.

I got a baloon at the airport!
(And also a caterpillar)
And I got a new book.

Not sure why I am tired in the middle of the afternoon. Could it be Jet Lag?

Yep, must be the jet lag. Playing outside with my nephews helps though.
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Friday, June 04, 2010

Graduation day

Today is the last day in the childrens house!

I wonder what will happen next, and daydreaming while this ceremony goes on.
Ah - ha! I get a telescope!
Check it out, the telescope is actually a graduation diploma...
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