The life and laughs of Ella

Monday, September 28, 2009

Jack in the box

I got some beach shoes. But the important thing is the box...
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Park and butterflies

Every friday we all go to the park after school. Today is special - we all went to the park and had ice cream together.

Afterwards I released my butterflies. Did I tell you all I got caterpillars that turned into butterflies?
Well they did, so now I am a butterfly too.
Thank you Kenny and Nicole and Maryn for a great gift!

Friday, September 18, 2009

New shoes

And a new dress.
Oh, did I mention I now like yellow?
And butterflies...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

That's it folks

After breakfast we went on a nice hike, and even managed some fishing in the stream.
Unfortuntately the waterfall did not really have any water falling.

However, we did spy a chipmonk and he caught one of the crackers...

Then we went to the hot springs to relax, and I had fun swimming and diving in the pool.
The hot spring was a bit too hot for my taste.
Afterwards I got to use Daddy's shirt to warm up!

And last but not least we all had a nice dinner at a restaurant before we headed home.
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Morning at the lake

This morning the sun came up to greet us, and I went to chase dusck by the lake.

Then we had breakfast, and I played with Amit and other kids on the shore.
Frisbee is so much fun!

Here we are taking turns on natural rides like Dana...

And Daddy.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Around the lake

After the hike, we thought to rent a boat to go on the lake.Unfortunately it seems that a thunderstorm is brewing so all boat rentals shut down.
Maybe I can make one go in the sand?
So instead we went for dinner and afterwards to play minigolf.
This is my first time, so Daddy is teaching me how to play.
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Hiking in lake Tahoe

On a last minute whim we decided to join Amit for a lake Tahoe weekend.
We started our weekend on a nice hike...

The water in the lake was rather cold, but that should not stop anyone from jumping in, or from chasing after the ducks...

Of course, no hiking trip is complete without walking sticks...
And at the end of the hike, after I climbed all the way back to the top, it is snack time.
Dana brought cookies (petite buerre) which I really like.
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Monday, September 07, 2009

San Francisco

We started in a nice playground - I like these slides!

Then we found the carousel, and I got to go around twice.
For lunch we went to the farmer market, and I also found strange lights to play with.
Last but not least, we went to the museum and outside to play with birds and with water.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Playdate with Piper

Today Piper came to visit me.
We played many games and even ate soba noodles...
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