The life and laughs of Ella

Friday, August 28, 2009

Moon Sand

I can make caterpillars, a butterfly, or even ice cream. All blue...
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to me

Not all the kids from the Children's house could make it, so today I had another Birthday ...
First I gave Thomas hats to all of the kids.

Then Daddy read a story.
And another story...
And then I put out the candle on the cake - only one candle, but I got to put it out 4 times...
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Check it out, Thomas came to wish me a happy birthday!

This time I am having my birthday at My-gym.
There is a climbing wall!

We get to play all sorts of games.
Kids from my group at Children's house came, and also other friends.

Here you can see me demonstrating the technique for passing through moving blocks.
I was first to demonstrate everything today.

The ball bath...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stanford with Mom

Today Mom took me to the Stanford Museum.

I got to dance on the stairs

Learned about art.

And even made a friend...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Still sleeping

I love caterpillars now. Even more then Thomas.
One of them keeps watch over my dreams.
Every night before I go to sleep Mom or Dad tells me a story, and then we remember everything that happened during the day. After that I can sleep soundly until morning...
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Sunday, August 09, 2009


Sunday is market day!
Taste fresh fruits and then go to the pool...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

A day with Thomas

Finally Thomas came to visit again!
I get to ride Annie...
Ethan came with me this time (and Dave and Rebecca too).

A small snack on the way, and looking at the trees and the small stream we pass.
Then we explored other games at Roaring camp - Lego trains, tracks and a magic show.
I really liked the magic show, especially when the magician took a kid and she was part of the magic, making lots of balls apear.

Then we got our pictures taken.

Dave even took a picture of all of us together!
Oh, and this was a hot day, so we get some ice cream as well...
A day out with Thomas is a wonderful experience, recommended to all of you!
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