The life and laughs of Ella

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Climb on!

Last week I found out that the wall is open for all comers saturday mornings.
This is my second time already, and I am getting better - I actually climbed until I was higher than Daddy!
They have a special harness that is my size, and I am learning how to tie the rope.
Only a helmet my size seems to be a bit problematic. All the helmets they have are too big...
After wall climbing I go to the child watch in the YMCA for an hour, and then we explore or go meet with friends.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009


Many interesting objects around the house.
Case in point - this is part of a salad making kit. Colander that fits in a cutting board.
It can also be used as a hat, a bowl (albeit with holes) or a flying disk.
Strange and wonderful toys...
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Friday, February 20, 2009


Today Mom took me to Filoli.
And guess what - Shelly came with us!

Here you can see us exploring some of the furniture - who puts a couch outside? And why is it made of stone?

Here we are exploring the pools. What are these creatures swimming in the water? What are tadpoles? Can I catch them?

And here I am trying to see Mom from the other wise of the lens - og wait, I see myself from this close up...
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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Thomas ART

For the past couple of weeks, Pa made sure to save the Avocado seeds for me, and sculpt the letters T H O M A and S on them.
Now it is time to make thomas blue...
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Saturday, February 07, 2009


Time to paint on cloth again...
I like sitting at the artists' desk :)
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Raising the flag

Today it is my turn :)
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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Weekend time again

We start at Esther's bakery, and I really like the Pfunnkuchen, then head out for the hidden villa.

It was hidden almost too well, but we found it.
Look at the nice quasi house we found!

And on our wonderful hike we stopped at this outcrop for some pictures...

And last but not least, we stopped for some sandwitches on a log, and I used the tunnel to get out.
Don't you like tunnels?
I know thomas loves them!
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