The life and laughs of Ella

Monday, November 17, 2008


Here are my new Pajamas.
As winter is coming, we went today to find some new pajamas, and here are the ones I picked myself!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm a little flower

Or perhaps just fallen leaves?
Anyways, it is Automn and here is what we did at school today.
We learned about the leaves and winter is coming, and even a small song with squirrels.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

We started the day with Cake, what could be better?

Then we went to the museum, which had a fish tank inside.
I like fish, we even have some at home.
Also saw some dogs outside the museum.

Funny enough, on top of the museum there was a garden.
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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Rather late for Halloween, but more Thomas so who cares...

Today my leg is feeling a lot better, and I am even going to the little Gym.
They are holding a costume party, so I get to dress up as Thomas again...

Here you see me at the giant slide, which is normally the high bars.

Here are the low bars (which came right after the finshing contest).

And here I am almost running, with all the other kids and Gym music.
Hope you all had fun too!

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