The life and laughs of Ella

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or treat?

Today is really haloween, and I can stand better.
Again I get to dress up as Thomas all day long!

Starting at school - we have a special haunted house day, and I got a lollipop.

Then we went trick or treat hopping in Los Altos, and again I got a lollipop...

And last but not least we went in the evening around the neighborhood, and guess what I got?
A blue lolipop! And also blue M&M, and many other blue treats.
And they all fit in my pumkin basket.
Tomorrow we will carve pumpkins and make bats, like I saw tonight when we went trick or treat.
Still hard for me to walk, and limping behind the other girls was tough so Mom and Dad carried me around some of the time.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I like my bed

And so do all my small friends.
Do you need introductions?
Snoopy is with me for a while now. I used to love stories about snoopy, but now I like stories about Thomas.
The little ducky is still a good friend, though it has been a while since I was really excited about ducks.
Dolls are only lately starting to be interesting. This doll has a small pacifier I call kazabubu, and Dad made it so it can actually stay in her mouth.
The blanket has a picture of the hungry caterpillar (and so does the pillow, though I like the side with the butterfly better).
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Nearly Haloween

And it is time to dress up.
Can you guess who I am?
Unfortunately I twisted my foot and it is hard for me to stand up.
Never mind, I like being carried anyways.
This weekend Borders has a special pre-haloween party.

I got to do some painting and had lots of fun reading books.
Even got a new book about Thomas - that you can paint on!
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Sunday, October 19, 2008


We started the morning with Esther - a new German caffe we found in mountain view.
The Tanurhans joined us there for a nice breakfast.

They even have a kids corner - here Dad is reading to us, but we mostly played by ourselves.

In the afternoon we went to the Sukka, and had a lot of fun celebrating.
I even got to shake the Lulav!

And of course Thomas was the main theme in my painting...
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Friday, October 17, 2008

Daddy Day

Today Daddy took me to school. Even stayed a bit to play with me!
Here I am showing off in the gymnasium.

And here I am making the Thomas puzzle.

And here a little snack time.
I also game daddy a card that says everything I know about Dad.

What does daddy like to eat? Watermelon...
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