The life and laughs of Ella

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Tonight we sleep in downtown calgary, a block from the river.

For dinner, we went to eat in the park in the middle of the river.
And we saw some more wildlife.
Here I am looking to see if there are any toys on the dinner table.

The hotel itself has a pool on the top floor.
Nice view, and a nice pool.
Word of the day : בזז (duck)
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Morning at the fairmont

Our last day inside the park.
We started with a very nice breakfast in banff. In fact, Banff seems to have the best food around.
After breakfast, we went to visit the Fairmont hotel (in the background).

They have nice displays, and the people who work for the hotel dress funny with kilts.
We decided to stay for the buffet lunch.

The place itself is very beutiful, and the window ledges are deep enough to sit on, or jump on or...
You get the idea.
They also had a funny carpet at the entrance with a big circle to run around.
All in all, this is one very nice hotel.
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Friday, June 29, 2007

Wildlife and views

Long drive today back towards banff.
Here are some of the friends we encountered along the way.

See how friendly the bears are?
We stopped at this midway point, and had some tea, and played with all the magnets in the store.

We also saw a real bear!
And the views continue to be stunning.
I like Canada and I just love the red leaf symbol that I can see everywhere.
Word of the day : מננה (banana)

More water

It seems like there are falls everywhere!
This time it was drizzling outside, so I got an umbrella...

We have time to smell the flowers, and even play with a few dogs...
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

The view from up high

After a nice nap, we went way up high.
The view here is awsome!
We took the cable car all the way up, and then watched it go up and down a few times...

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By the river

Here is the playground at the place we are staying.
Notice the visitors?
They also want to play...
This morning we decided to take it slow, walking on the river next to the cabin, not driving anywhere.

Many stones to throw, toys to play with, pictures to paint and more...

And best of all, Dad made us a picnic lunch!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


After naptime, we went hiking.
Quite a long hike really, and much of it uphill.

We left the stroller halfway up, and Mom went back up afterwards to get it.
Check out this spider she caught on the way.
And here is a view of the glacier from the trail.
I was not too enthusiastic about walking on snow, but it was nice overall, and I got many raisins...
Word of the day : צי (raisin)

Jasper Town

Today we have big plans.
Start out at Jasper city, walking around the town and playing with the dogs.
Looking at the local wildlife...
And lunch at Pyramid lake.
Very nice place, where we threw many stones into the water.
We also met the squirrel who wanted to try our lunch.

We even met some nice people who took our picture together, and others who were playing pirates in the water.
The water was very cold though.
Word of the day ; אגם (Lake)
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Onwards to Jasper

After another night with the train for company, we decided to continue onwards to jasper.
Along the way we are checking out lake louise.
And particularly the stones, and the water (cold).

Word of the day : עץ (Tree)
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Some more view

On the way back to the cabin, we took the slow road.
Not that the highway is not scenic, but this was quieter.


The view is impressive
And the setting awsome, but I while the food is good, it is not exceptional.
Nevertheless, this is considered one of the best restaurants in Canada.
They can learn from Mom.

Just outside is a nice lawn next to the river. I like rivers.
Word of the day - טס (fly)

Some wildlife

Along the highway sometimes you can see lots of cars that just stop on the shoulder.
Usually that means some wildlife - as here.
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Hiking the falls

The day is somewhat cold, so I get to wear my doggie hat.
I am not too enthusiastic about the matching gloves though.
Today there is a new toy as well. In fact I guess properly it is father's, but I took control of the walking stick.
Word of the day: חר
A small rest stop, and some nice people took a picture of all of us together.

Almost at the falls

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