The life and laughs of Ella

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More fun in the museum

Check this out - they have a bone my size too.
Can I eat it?

Also, this is my favorite part of the museum - water, and balls, and I can play with them all....
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Discovering Clifford

Usually there is a big duck above the discovery museum, but today there was a big dog.
His name is clifford, and in the picture behind me you can see his bowl.
Did I mention that clifford is a BIG dog? He is also red, which as you know by now is my favorite color.
Clifford has a big bone too, so my new word for today is bone (Etze).
Also, Mommy got me a new bag for all my stuff, and guess what - you guessed right, it is red!
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Monday, May 28, 2007

Helping Mom

Check this out, here is one of my favorite tricks - changing the bag.
I know where all the baggies are kept, I take one out, and open it up, and put it in place.
(Sometimes I need some help, but I am getting really good at this)
New word for today - Bag (Tik)
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Congratulations Ethan!

Today I went to see Ethan get baptized.
Not sure what it all meant, except when the babies got their heads washed - I know that part.
Afterwards we went to his house and I played with his la-la.
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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Afternoon walk

Back to mountain view downtown for a lazy afternoon.
The best part was the bookstore with all of the doggies...
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A day in mountain view

Today we went for a late breakfast in Cafe Neto, where I met with Maryn and Dalia.
We played all along the restaurant, and even sat together to read a book.
The breakfast egg they make was really good and I finished all of it.
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Friday, May 25, 2007


Well, it is almost time for dinner and candles, but first we are all going to shape up.
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Raggae Zoo

Today the zoo had a Raggae show.
We even met Nicole and Maryn :)
The show was fun, although the rasta man was scary - or at least I thought so.
But he gave me his business card, so I guess he was nice after all.
I also saw a small pony and got to pet the goats.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Backyard slide

Our back yard is full of flowers, stones and now a slide.
It is a small slide, but fun nonetheless.
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Monday, May 21, 2007

Dora Explora

I like exploring everything around the house.
Now that I can push the chair to where I want to go, nothing is beyond reach.
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Saturday, May 19, 2007


Ah, finally a worthy game.
Water are walys fun, especially if I can make it go all around.
Of, and there are strange tadpoles swimming in the ponds too!
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Did I tell you yet that I do not like the wind?
Sunshine or rain are all well, but wind and me just do not get along.
Can we go in now?
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Check the Hat!

There are many roses here, but the hat is still more interesting.
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So - it has been a while since we went all together anywhere exciting. I go around quite a bit, but Dad had some problems with his knee, and had to stay in bed all the time for a while.
I got him ice to put on his knee, and today he is fine again so we are going to Filoli!

We go to Filoli to eat brunch out, and to walk the gardens some.
Not all that impressive if you ask me. But I did get to take the hat from daddy, so it was fun...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Walking the dog

Today snoopy came out walking with me. I like walking around and playing with stones.
Snoopy likes doing everything with me.
He eats with me, plays with me, sleeps with me, and even gets diapers with me.
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I am getting better at painting all the time as you can see.
Also better at talking. I can say auto, and butterfly (well pa-pa really) and ba-ba (for doll) and many other words.
Sometimes other people can even understand me...
Oh, and the best color in the world is red of course, except when the traffic lights are red. I like them better green.
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