The life and laughs of Ella

Monday, July 31, 2006

The hotel has a pool!

I think I like pools. Unlike the sea, there are no scary waves, and I can swim around. This is even better then the lake, although if the lake was warmer I would not mind trying that too... Posted by Picasa

Another day on the lake

And so we have another day on the lake, before it is time to say goodbye. We went to the same beach as yesterday, and we already had our spot picked out. We also ate at the restaurant on the beach, so all is well. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 30, 2006

New friends

As we were walking along the lake, I saw this nice boat. The people there were all nice to me (except a small kid who thought everything was his and was afraid I am going to take the wheel away). Posted by Picasa

Hiking the lake

Walking with a stroller around the lake on the sand is not an option, so we hiked. Either with the snuggly, or on Dad's shoulders, either way it was fun. Posted by Picasa

Ducks and the lake

So here I am at my first lake. Kind of nice really. I did miss home during the night and did not sleep very well. But the lake is fun, and there are seagulls, and ducks, and boats and the lake itself of course. Also, today is some sort of scottish festival, so I got to hear bagpipes. Not sure if I like them or not yet. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Riding the train

The park only had one ride for kids my age. And even there I had to go with father and not alone... Posted by Picasa

On the way to lake Tahoe

This weekend we are not even waiting around for the weather. Instead we are going to lake Tahoe! And on the way we stopped for a picnic, and to visit the fun park... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Halfmoon Bay

I think I told you already how hot it is this weekend right? Well, what do you do when the weather is hot? You go to the beach of course, because it is bound to be colder over there. The ocean is so cold even the air gets colder. And so we joined Ulli and Yankin for a day on the beach in halfmoon bay. We played in the sand, flew a kite, and generally had fun. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The sun is shining and...

This week was HOT. Finally we feel the summer here - and as you can see, I can't wait to get me own sunglasses (although taking then from Mommy, or the hat from Daddy is really fun).
This week Daddy went on a business trip for two whole days, and I looked for him everywhere, but he just wasn't there. He is back now though.
Have a nice weekend everybody! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 15, 2006

New trick!

You may not have noticed, but I am growing up. I can even stand on my own, and here is the proof! Mother let me play with the tea drawer, and I am rearranging it now. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 14, 2006

Lots of birds this afternoon

We hiked the baylands open park today after Papa finished work. Quite windy, but all those birds flying around were really quite something. Posted by Picasa

Party time!

We had many visitors today. Lots of moms with kids, like Tushy that you can see here. His Sister Miya and his Mom Kazuyo brought me brought me some baloons. Aren't baloons wonderful? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just another morning

Shoe are quite fascinating toys. In fact, the best toys are cups, plates, remote controls and anything I am not supposed to touch. Shoes are also pretty good though. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A slight cold

I am having a somewhat rough time, as usually I am very healthy. Today however I have a slight cold and a runny nose. What do you do with a runny nose you may ask? Well I discovered that there is a special suction bulb Mom or Dad would use to clear my nose, or sometimes a tissue may help. These tissues here definitely help me pass the time. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Favorite pastime

One of the pleasures in life is rearranging the house. I believe the floor should be carpeted with books, bibs, and anything else I can get my hands on. All the bibs foldedso nicely on my chair are simply irresistable... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hiking Rancho

Father says he always has a stick in his hand when he was my age. I decided he must have had a good reason so here we are... Posted by Picasa


Now when I stand up under the table, I need to be careful not to bump my head. Remember the other photo not from long ago where I could easily stand there? Posted by Picasa

I like sunshine

Weekends are just wonderful. We go on nice long hikes, and even hike in our own back yard, like here. Something sad happened yesterday - Great Grandma Shoshanna died, and I did not even get to meet her. Posted by Picasa


We have guests - my nephew Arad came all the way from Israel, with his grandmother and grandfather, and we all had a nice picnic in the back yard. Oh, and I captured a white peach from the fruit bowl, and managed to eat some of it all by myself. Posted by Picasa

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