The life and laughs of Ella

Thursday, June 29, 2006

More new skills

Time to start eating with a spoon, and standing up (I actually managed to stand on my own for a few seconds 2 days ago already). Here I am sitting outside, and practicing eating like everyone else. Posted by Picasa

Drum session!

I found a new pastime, there are these wonderful drums, white and silver, and they make noise too! Posted by Picasa

Where are all of my toys?

Here I am on my way from my room (the barely visible door on the left) to the dining room (behind the camera and to the right) after my drum session.
Oh, and uncle Tal, you must be ancient - more then 2 decades in years? Are you using reading glasses and walking stick yet?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Toys galore

Well, look at all those toys. They put them all in boxes and on tables, but they cannot hide them from me for long. Oh, and I am going to get a nice lady bug ball and a firefly that hangs from the ceiling...
Oh, did anyone remember that I am celebrating a decade of months today?

Come on daddy!

It is almost 7am already, time to go hiking...
I don't know what daddy has to complain about. Saturday is just like any other day, ain't it? Up with the dawn, a little bit of formula, and then we can go hiking :)
So what's new this week? Well, later on today we are going to visit in Palo Alto. There is this tea that Mom and Dad like to drink, and they can only find it there. The bright side is that while there, we will also go to the toy store to look for some new toys.
Also new is our backyard. We now have a proper patio dining set, with swiveling rocking chairs, and a nice umbrella, and we eat dinner outside every day. That's about it then - have a nice weekend everyone and don't forget to write! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Morning and guests

Ran my uncle and Carmel my Niece came for a visit as you know, and they are leaving tomorrow. Pa still takes me on my walk at 6AM so everyone else can sleep in a while longer. Here you see me with Mom just after I can back from my walk... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Lunchtime, and I get to try something new. Soba noodles with lotus root.
Not quite sure about this, but if everyone else can do this, I can too! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I got a new toy

Ran and Carmel came to visit us, and look what I got! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Orange or carrot?

  Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yet another morning hike

Today I woke up at 5AM. Lucky really, so we can all go hiking before it gets too hot. Even Mom came today, so you can see me with my new leafy toy. Do you hike every day? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

To the laundry!

Saturday is a good time to do laundry. Actually, I could you a nice long soak as well, as I just finished breakfast and I am a messy eater. Mom can come too if she wants! Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Happy Days!

Don't you just adore leaves? This hike Papa gave me a leaf, and I held onto it all the way, and still have it! Oh, also happy Shavuot, and Happy Birthday to both my Grandfathers!

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