The life and laughs of Ella

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Just a plane ride away...

And so we finally make it onto the plane. I eat my lunch, play some games, and even read a book with mommy. Then we wait while Pa goes to fetch the car, and we still need to drive home. A whole day devoted mostly to waiting and travelling. But all is well that ends well!
Have a good week everyone. Posted by Picasa

Are we there yet?

Did I mention I don't like airports yet? We are going home, and I have to wait at the ticket line, then wait at security, then wait to get on the plane - and not in some comfortable location. Why can't these grown ups figure out a more efficient way then standing in line and waiting? Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 28, 2006

All in pink

The bar is a pretty nice spot. Here you can see me eating some sunglasses, and waiting for drinks. The fans on the ceiling are also a big attraction Posted by Picasa

Last look at the playroom

SO, do you think I am going to miss this place? Posted by Picasa

Time to say goodbye

Tomorrow we go back home. Here are two of my care takers - they were nice to me, and I guess being inside with air conditioning during the hot hours was not such a bad idea. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 27, 2006

After the show

Fortunately, the show did not last too long, and mom came to take me afterwards. Here you can see us all recovering in the theatre - temperature outside is too hot. Posted by Picasa

Almost home

Did I tell you about the club med baby sitters? I got to spend a few hours each day with them, and for some reason they decided that entitles them to put me in a strange custom and up on a stage on the last day. Go figure... Posted by Picasa

And the bed?

The room is pretty small, I don't think I mentioned that yet. I like sitting on the bed and playing with toys like the camera - oh, where did the camera go to? It was in here just a minute ago... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


After a couple of days, the snuggly is not that much of a thrill anymore. I do like being with mom and dad, but snuggly is used to go to the beach, and the ocean is so scary. When can I go home? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

In Ixtapa

Ah, so we finally reached Ixtapa. While there is no place like home, going out can be ok sometimes. It was time to try out my snuggly! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Awake on the way

On the way to Ixtapa I got some coffee to keep me awake (well, I only got the cup really, but mommy had some coffee) .
So you see uncle Tal, I did manage to have some fun...

Off to Ixtapa

Flying is not as much fun as it was supposed to be. Mostly it is boring, and cramped. Lucky though, I was able to sleep for a bit.
Also, Talia - sure we can meet, but until then, how do you look like? Send me a picture.

Going on vacation

Just before we leave, wanted to wish you all a nice week.
Oh and check out my new hat! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Late at night

Just before going to sleep, I always take a bath (as you all know). Well, here is what I look like after I get cleaned up.
As for Grandma Nava, it is great to hear everyone is enjoying the pictures, and potty training means in plain english sitting on the potty and passing out what was earlier ingested. All the questions were asked by Guy, in sing song no less! He was the youngest there who could read them.
Other then that, have a nice week everyone. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A day out

I like sitting on a couch, or futon, or chair almost as much as I like standing up. Today we went around looking for a dresser and a new couch. I must have tried a dozen different couches at Macy's, and the all tasted very good. Hope you all had a fun weekend yourselves! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hiking again

Sometimes when the sun comes out, we go around to check out the new neighborhood. This time we went around the school (that is named after a warship), and saw everyone playing chinese soccer.
Also, this week father was not around too much. First in some show (ESC) and then he flew to Detroit on business. I was very glad when he came back this weekend. Mommy is potty training me, and so far it is a great success. We just started this week, and I only missed once.
Have a nice week everybody! Posted by Picasa

Swiss flag?

Oh how nice it is to sprawl,
on poof so red that I can crawl.
Hairbrush also serves a goal,
to bite until I get it all. Posted by Picasa

Rabbits do not have an exclusive...

Uncle Ran told mom that carrots are good for new teeth. Well, guess what, today the first sharp stuff started really coming out. So I am making like a rabbit and munching on the carrot... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Two drops of water?

Everyone says I look like daddy. What do you think? Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Wonderful ears

Here is our new kitchen as a background, and my new past time - ears! Posted by Picasa

New house

Here is what the new house looks like from the outside. Posted by Picasa

High chair

Along with the new house, I got a new chair, and I get to sit in it for meals. Just like a big girl. Posted by Picasa


It has been a busy few weeks but we are now in a new house! Posted by Picasa

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