The life and laughs of Ella

Sunday, February 26, 2006

up side down

So many new options to look at the world ! Did I tell you all the new things that I can eat. This week I tried banana, green peas and sweet potatos. Posted by Picasa

New game

Well, is it time to graduate from the sippy cup yet? I certainly think so. Everyone drinks tea, and I only get an empty cup. Is this justice? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Walking to the library

Nice weather, afternoon, and we decided to stroll along to the library. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006

Time to sleep?

So I had a bath and now it is time to sleep, or is it? Sometimes after the bath I like to play. Check this out, I am standing on father's head. Too bad he doesn't have more hair I can pull out... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Here is a picture of me in the bath, but what I really wanted to tell you about was that I got to eat carrot for the first time today. It was sort of strange at first, but I liked it. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 12, 2006

House searching

This weekend I got to see all sorts of new places. We are looking for a bigger nicer place, and we drove all around, from Menlo Park to San jose. I think I am not that fond of driving, but it was not too bad. I also got to sit in the hammock in the afternoon while the sun was still out but not too hot anymore. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

More tricks

This was a very hot day. Mom says it is just like summer. We even had a picnic in the park near the library. Mommy ate a sandwitch and I ate her. On the way I got to smell the Narcissus, and they were really nice. Also had fun sleeping near the fountain. The sound of water is oh so soothing...
I am also getting much better at taking off my socks. I used to do it by rubbing my legs together, but now I use my hands and it is much easier.
Father promised to teach me to put them on and not just take them off soon. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006


Today was the last day of my university in the library. Here you can see me playing with the other kids. Well, mostly they play and I am looking around, but this was very educational. Program was by the library of mountain view, and I learned lots of new nursury rhymes. Among my new favourites are the one about how the ladies ride, and the one about Tommy O'flinn. You should all check them out if you don't know them. They are quite fun to bounce to...
Uncles, thank you for your comments. Dotal, I did not know that about fish, but now that I do, I will look even more, and see if they are really aware. Perhaps it is something I have in common with fish :)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mom and I went yesterday to a fish shop in the downtown. I was fascinated by all the different fishes. These days it seems like I am working on my teeth. Not sure when they will show. Posted by Picasa

Sunny weather

This weekend the weather turned nice, and we went to hike in Rancho San Antonio again. Here you can see me at the end of the hike. Also this weekend, Matt and Maria came to visit and we had a very nice dinner on Saturday. I even stayed awake to greet them. On friday we were invited to Dave and Rebecca and also had a lot of fun. I love their Aquarium, maybe we should get one as well...
Have a nice week everyone! Posted by Picasa

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