The life and laughs of Ella

Sunday, January 29, 2006

After bath

Oh, here is a picture of me right after the bath with mom. Now I can really go to sleep... Posted by Picasa

In a dress

Hope you all had a nice weekend. We spent it mostly at home, though we ate with Chani and Shmuel on friday, and went to alook at some apartments too. Here you can see me taking off my socks, as you know, I am really good at that. Uncle Tal, that is a trick I can teach you real easy, but you have to promise to teach me at least two languages before I can teach you the spoon trick. That one is hard...
Noam, it would be great meeting you, and you can place pictures on the net, and just send me the link. Try, or picasa (which daddy is using for this blog), or just ask Grandma :)
Have a wonderful week! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 22, 2006


The time has come to start trying some new tricks. Here you can see me trying out this newfangled idea called spoon. Not sure how this works yet, but it is a good game. I can put it in my mouth, and then take whatever was on it and spread it all around - it is only rice cereal in milk so far. I am also trying out the sippy cup. Another game for now, though I am sure I will figure out how to get the milk into me rather then onto my bib. This week I finally managed to do a complete roll myself as well, which was rather surprising. Thank you for writing the comments grandma Nava and Dodan and Dotal. Dotal, when are you going to teach me chinese?
Have a nice week everyone. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My new bed setting

This week I started to sleep in my crib. Here is my new bed setting that I got for the occaision. Posted by Picasa

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Me and my teddy bear in blue sky

Afternoon with mom - I learnning many new things this week. Today I drank from sipping cup. I hold the cup by myself ! I also got rice cereal. Posted by Picasa

Bobcat in Rancho San Antonio

This time mom help me to write a few things. We spent many our together while dad was at work and went to Las Vegas We went to Rancho San Antonio and saw many animals including the bobcat in the picture Posted by Picasa

Look at my new glove

Today I visited the doctor and got a shot again. I don't like shots, but the doctor was nice. You can see me here playing with one of my new cube toys. Of course Pa had to take out the middle of the cube and put my hand in there instead, but it is rather fun.Also you can see a few toys hanging above me. I particularly like the middle one which is a yellow lion. I'd like to bite it... of course, it being tied up that means the whole contraption starts folding, and it did not quite make it all the way to my mouth, but it is close :) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My new trick

As you may know, I am learning new tricks every day. Look at my latest inventions - I can sit on a fancy chair, take off my sock, and make faces at the camera. And all at the same time too!
Have a nice week yall... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Also in carmel

We went around town, looking at galleries and generally having fun. Hope you have some fun this weekend too! Posted by Picasa

By the sea

I forgot to tell you all about it, but I was near the ocean first time in my life. Here you can see us as we were hiking in Carmel. Posted by Picasa

All that laundry...

And again the time has come to fold the laundry. I am trying to pull some clothes out of the pile before the pile covers all of me. Yesterday we went to east dinner with Sipho and Kazuyo and saw their new baby, and Mia. Today looks like the sky has cleared up a bit, so maybe we will go for a walk. Posted by Picasa

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