The life and laughs of Ella

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy thanksgiving

Today was my first thanksgiving dinner. We ate with Ulli and Yankin, and thankfully the main dish was lamb and not the traditional turkey. Also, this was my first time to wear a dress... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Rodin has some nice statues

Right next to the gates of hell, you can find this statue with a face that looks just like me :)
Of course, this is in the museum courtyard, just outside the cafe.

Just so you can see I am not the only one smiling and happy to be at the cafe, here is a face shot of mommy. Posted by Picasa

First time at Stanford

Life is fine in the cafe at the stanford museum. The weather was fine, and the food was good. How nice to get an education in art even before I learned how to walk. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Last minute with Grandma

Grandma left yesterday. Here is the last time she is holding me before flying back to Israel. Heard that the flight is tough, but worth it. I guess next year, if all goes as planned, I can see for myself. I already know how to suck on my hand, how much more difficult can flying be?
And yes Shula, we all speak hebrew at home, except when there are guests over...
Have a wonderful week everyone. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 18, 2005

Auntie Osnat, as requested...

Hi Auntie, here is a closeup to make sure you did not miss the fact I went hiking with the outfit you sent me... Posted by Picasa

Can you tell my grandma is a pro or what?

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Hiking yet again

The Barn at Rancho San Antonio is starting to feel like home. Today we went hiking in wonderful weather again, and I have lots of new pictures.
Galia and Shula, thanks and I am enjoying Grandma, as you may be able to tell from the picture. As for listening to music, I do that as well, mostly in the evenings though...
שבת שלום

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Parking in the field

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Walking in the fall

You must be wondering what I am looking at, right? I went for a walk in the neighborhood, and I parked in the middle of a field of leaves, which you can see above. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did...

Monday, November 14, 2005

What a tough day...

As Grandma Nava says, this has been a very tiring day. Working so hard all the time, is it a wonder I am tired? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hiking with Grandma Nava

Here is a photo from the hike today, as you can see, everyone wanted to push me around on the stroller. Gotta love the attention... Posted by Picasa

Hiking Rancho san Antonio again

What a wonderful day today, just the day for a hike. Here you can see me having lunch in the middle of the hike, at the hay barn. Afterwards, we also went to Mommy's studio, and to take one of her pictures to the works gallery in san jose. Hope you are all having a nice weekend. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Pa

Here you can see the guests at the birthday party (well, except for Christoph who is taking the picture. Kenny and Nicole closest to the camera, with their daughter Maryne. Yankin standing next to his daughter Ayla, and Grandma Nava between Ma and Pa. Pa holding me, and enjoying a glass of 1982 port that Grandpa Arie gave. Oh, Pa also says thanks for the presents everyone... Posted by Picasa

I can sleep sometimes

Here is proof that I can sleep sometimes too. Of course, I need to get my sleep sometime during the day so I can wake at night... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Grandma Nava is here

I am getting my bath today, and this time there is a professional photographer taking the pictures. Grandma Nava is here helping around the house. What else? Oh yes, tomorrow is Father's brithday so we are going to have guests over to celebrate. Keep well everyone. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hiking with Bambi

Another weekend, and as the weather was nice, we went hiking in Ranch San Antonio again. Only this time, Da carried me instead of using the stroller, so we hiked up the trail to see Eliot, and then down through the ranch itself. Here you can see some of the friends I met on the way...
Have a nice week everyone. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hello all, it has been a while since you saw any pictures of me, so here I am on my changing table, in the process of being dressed. Don't worry, the hands are in there, even if it is a bit of a game to bring them out. I always let my parents win in the end though... Posted by Picasa

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