The life and laughs of Ella

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or treat

Today Dodan left us, which was a bit sad, but I also got to go trick or treat candy hunting for the first time. Mommy took me to PMC where Pa works, and we went around the corridors collecting candy and compliments. Loads of fun. Hope you all had fun!
Oh, one more thing, thanks again Grandpa for the outfit, it worked great for Halloween, everyone thought I was dressed as a pumpkin :)

Happy Halloween
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Saturday, October 29, 2005


So uncle Dan is here and taking care of me yeah! Today we went to the library, and to our favorite coffeeshop. We sat outside since it was such a nice day though. Here you see me with Dodan.
Grandma Nava, you also need a scribe? I thought only babies like me needed one. Well, you will be here soon so we can talk it over. Oh, and thanks to everyone who sent presents, especially grandpa Arieh. Hope you all had a nice weekend.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Grandparents are leaving

Wow what a weekend, full of firsts...
First we went on a walk in the rancho san antonio where I saw deers, then grandma Nomi and Grandpa Arie invited us to a nice restaurant which was really fun, except that my nose got a bit cold.
We also went on a hike in the baylands, but I did not feel so well, so that was a really short hike, but it was a very nice day...
Today they left, and here you can see grandma Nomi saying good bye. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rancho san antonio

What a nice hike, my first real hike in nature. Here I am sitting on a log with mom. Posted by Picasa

My first deer sighting Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

Another generation

Just so you can see, here is a picture with 3 generations. Grandpa Arie is holding me while Grandma Nomi is taking the picture. Posted by Picasa

Wow, look at me

This week has been so loaded I did not have time to write. Grandpa Arie and Grandma Nomi are here visiting, and they brought me all sorts of presents. In fact, the toys hanging above my head in the picture are a present from them.
So much excitment I even find it hard to sleep at night. Tonight we all ate dinner together (Grandma Nomi prepared most of it) and had a lovely evening. More soon, and for now:

שבת שלום

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another day, Another bath

Hope you all had a happy weekend. We had a nice one here...
This weekend we saw a nice movie - Spirited Away. Even Mom liked it despite the fact the movie is animated, so you can be sure it was a nice one. We also went to see how much I weigh - 7 pounds 8 ounces! Pretty soon I will be double my birth weight.
Also today I went to the farmers' market, and to visit Ulli (and Ayla and Dalia), and shopping in whole foods, so it was a very busy day.
Well, time to go to bed now, have a nice week everybody.

Friday, October 14, 2005

גמר חתימה טובה

Well, Yom Kippur is over, and even though I did not fast, this was a special day. Here you can see me after the bath. I like the bath, what I don't like so much is getting out of the water...
Also grandpa, you can write in your own name, no need to send through grandma :)
What else, I would like to thank Markus and Danielle for letting me pick my own bear - I picked a Panda by the way. Will send a picture when it gets here.
Bye now, and have a wonderful year everyone... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Just to make sure you don't forget what I look like, here is a closeup from the same coffee shop.

Time for a cup of coffee. This is my first time in this particular coffee shop. Quite fun.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

As you can see, the weather here is quite fine. This is the afternoon, and I am resting with father. Today I had a visit from Arlene, who was very nice to me and brought us many presents. Thanks Arlene! Oh, and also on the weekend Sasha and Marina came with Vlada and brought me a wonderful outfit (pink of course). Right now I am wearing the outfit papa brought me. Can you see identify the images on the outfit? Well, that is father...
Also, thanks for all the suggestions for the name. I haven't decided yet, but gizmo sounds good.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hope you all had a nice weekend. We were mostly at home, although we did do some shopping and visited friends (and were visited also).
Also, Pa bought me a nice teddy-bear, which I keep on my changing table so I have something to look at and explore while I am being changed. Perhaps I will send a picture of him sometime soon. Any ideas for what I should name him?
Oh, and one more thing:
שנה טובה

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