Thank you for all your replies! Uncle Tal, I was counting on you to dip into the well of chinese wisdom and come up with some remedies that will actually be good for babies. Can you imagine me gargling with cider vinegar? The only thing I eat and drink these days is mommys' milk... As for thinking of the ugliest person I ever saw - never saw an ugly person in my life (admittedly not a very long life yet). Great grandmother, I am very happy you saw my blog, and hope to see you too. Now for some recent news. Yesterday mommy tried to give me a pacifier... Ha, she thought she could fool me. I noticed (almost immediately) that no milk is coming. My sucking reflex is very strong, so I couldn't just spit it out, but that's what hands are for, isn't it? I simply reached and pulled it out of my mouth. Showed her who is the boss... On the fashion front, father bought some sleeping robe for me. As you can see, from the picture, I am really small, so the choice of garments right now is not so big. To complicate matters I have a longish frame. I get lost in the newborn clothes. So that robe father got for me was for babies up to 5 pounds (which I just crossed). This was the first time a garment was actualy too small for me. Of course, I still needed something to sleep in, so father took to fashion design, and remade the robe into a long sleeve shirt. It is not in the laundry already, but I will try to post a picture of it sometime soon. Also yesterday, Shmuel and Hani came over with dinner. On the menu - salad and meatballs. From the speed the dishes were cleaned you'd think mom and dad did not eat all day - oh wait, they really didn't. Anyways, thanks Hani! You must tell me what the reciepe for those meatballs is. They were just great. It is so good to have friends who help us! Tonight we are celebrating the 4th anniversary of the wedding (not mine silly, my parent's). An italian restaurant from nearby downtown supplied the meal, and father supplied the wine. Until next time then, be well all...
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