It has been a few days since the last update, so let me tell you the most exciting news first - I broke the 6 pounds barrier (to those of you less familiar with the strange and utterly illogical weight system used here in the states, it is equivalent to about 2.8Kg) so I am no longer in the "preemie" category. The newborn diapers are still too big, but the preemie ones are getting to be small. Weeeee...
I also went on my first coffee trip today. Well, I only drank milk, while mommy drank tea and papa had the coffee, but still it was in a real coffee shop.
I also had to go to the doctor and get a shot. Not much fun, but not too bad either.
- Great grandma, I will pass along your kisses, and I do hope to see you next year.
- Uncle Tal, only time will tell... But I am sure if my parents only come with reasonable demands (such as: here let me hold you and play with you and read to you and feed you and pamper you) I will graciously accede to their wishes.
- Galia and Yigal, I am so glad you enjoyed the pictures, but as experienced parents, you should know that sleep is very low on my priority list. Especially uninterrupted sleep for more then a couple of hours.
שבת שלום
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